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Alyssa Young Alyssa Young

By now, business owners and managers know they need a website in order to compete for marketshare. However, many heating and air conditioning contractors make the mistake of believing any website will work. So, they hire an agency that promises low prices, knowledge of  the HVAC industry and ongoing search engine optimization (SEO) after the site launches.

The result: a generic website that looks like all of its competitors’ and fails to convert visitors into viable leads.

If a website isn’t generating new business, then it isn’t doing its job. Before an HVAC company purchases a templated website or hires an SEO firm to design and build its online presence, it must understand all of the HVAC Internet marketing components that make a website successful, and who’s best equipped to deliver them.

A Strong Brand Sells

A brand that communicates a positive promise is the key to success for any piece of sales collateral—websites included. That’s why the most qualified expert to handle HVAC web design is the agency that created the company’s brand (or an agency with branding expertise).

A generic templated website doesn’t instill confidence or trust in a contractor. This sterile approach does not allow a company to connect with consumers’ emotions. If an HVAC company’s website looks like all of its competitors’, how can it expect consumers to believe its service is better than the others’?

If the site looks like any other HVAC company’s online presence, the contractor isn’t leveraging its brand promise to earn customers’ loyalty.

In an effective website design, branding is infused throughout all elements; the logo isn’t simply plopped into the header. Brand colors, fonts, design elements and the mascot are woven throughout the site’s features. The brand voice speaks through the website copy, customizing how the company’s services are described and letting customers know what to expect. This reinforces the brand promise, speaking to the visitor in every section and on every page. Best of all, the brand voice differentiates the website—and the company—from its competitors.

Hiring the company’s brand ambassador to design and write its website guarantees the brand becomes the cornerstone on which its online presence is built. Conversely, a firm that specializes in SEO or an agency that sells templated websites is unable to integrate a brand that speaks to and connects with consumers, and therefore can’t build a website that separates the contractor from its competition.

Lead Conversion Is a Science

Ranking well in search engine results isn’t enough to generate new business; that’s only one ingredient in the formula for winning online. A crucial part of the equation is what happens when a visitor arrives at the website.

If the site looks like any other HVAC company’s online presence, the contractor isn’t leveraging its brand promise to earn customers’ loyalty. Instead, consumers might choose who to call based solely on price, whichever company they encounter first, or another arbitrary factor. On the contrary, strong HVAC web design communicates a company’s differentiators, winning leads based on merit, and ultimately building long-term customer relationships.

Websites with generic design and content won’t capture attention. If a website can’t keep consumers’ interest or easily answer their questions, visitors will spend little time on the site and won’t find the specific information they’re seeking. They’ll be less likely to pick up the phone and call, fill out a contact form, schedule an appointment, or reach any other milestone that converts a lead into a customer.

Why Hire GDS

Graphic D-Signs is an HVAC web design agency that puts the brand at the forefront of design and copywriting. Our designers, content strategists and developers make user experience and brand integration their top priorities. That being said, we also know the importance of digital marketing and how successful SEO, paid search, social media and email campaigns help a company’s website get seen. If consumers seeking HVAC services can’t find a company’s website, its aesthetics or voice can’t do their job.

By marrying SEO strategies, optimized Google AdWords campaigns and a strong social media presence with eye-catching, branded websites that promise a positive user experience, Graphic D-Signs clients are crushing the competition with online leads.

That’s why we partner with experts in this realm—to ensure the beautiful, informative websites we create are also visible. Our partnership with 1SEO.com Digital Agency is making our HVAC clients’ websites more visible and effective than ever.

By marrying SEO strategies, optimized Google AdWords campaigns and a strong social media presence with eye-catching, branded websites that promise a positive user experience, these HVAC contractors are crushing the competition with online leads.

To talk about building a website that wins customers, call Graphic D-Signs today at 800-836-4666 or contact us online.

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