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Books Teach Small Businesses the Value of Branding

KickCharge® Creative President Dan Antonelli Delivers Straight Talk on Branding

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KickCharge Creative President and Creative Director Dan Antonelli is a design industry celebrity. His first two books, Logo Design for Small Business and Logo Design for Small Business 2 have been widely acclaimed by his peers in the graphic design and business industries. In his latest release, Building a Big Small Business Brand, Dan provides straight talk for small business owners as he sheds light on their biggest asset: their brand.

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Building a Big Small Business Brand, by Dan Antonelli

Buy an autographed copy of the book that teaches small businesses how to build an amazing small business brand from the ground up. Read a free preview here.

Buy an autographed copy of the book that teaches small businesses how to build an amazing small business brand from the ground up. Read a free preview here.

Dan’s latest book is a must-have for small business owners and entrepreneurs struggling to develop their professional identity. Your professional logo serves as a solid foundation for your small business branding: conveying expertise, delivering a brand promise and creating an expectation for quality. In today’s cluttered marketplace, the importance of your small business branding cannot be underestimated—yet most small businesses put little time and money into developing their company’s logo and branding strategy. Drawing from his experience of working with nearly 1200 small businesses on their branding, you’ll learn the keys to an effective small business branding strategy.

Building a Big Small Business Brand shares industry secrets for:

Praise for Building a Big Small Business Brand

“This is a must read for any business owner who wants to stand out in the marketplace.” – Doug Sheneman

Here are a few excerpts from the book reviews on Amazon. As of March 2017, the book has received 57 5-Star reviews.

“This book is a must read for any small or medium-sized business owner who is trying to figure out if “brand” matters.  Dan’s latest book goes deep into the nuts and bolts of the “how and why” of small business branding. Whether or not you decide to work with Dan’s company, or even decide whether or not to invest in rebranding your company… you’d be a fool not to read the book. Besides, the book itself is entertaining with its case studies and gorgeous display or all their work with many different clients over the years.” – Don Kennedy

“Never before have I seen such a comprehensive and important resource for small businesses and designers alike!” – Carmelina D’Amelio

“For small businesses, it serves as a great resource to learn why their brand is so important to their success, and how to leverage a great brand to help ‘crush your competitors’ as Dan puts it!” – David A. Smith

“The fact that he focuses on the small business owner audience demonstrates his desire to educate the customer so that they can understand the concepts and the value of what he preaches. A public service if you will, for those who read his book insuring that they are better prepared to engage the services of a professional to create their brand. His book also makes it very clear that effective branding requires talent and time without shortcuts.” – Tom Gray

“This is a must read for any business owner who wants to stand out in the marketplace. It is great to see a solid branding concept come to life in this book. – Doug Sheneman

“Yet another amazing book from a mind that understands small business! From cover to cover, Building a BIG Small Business Brand is packed with valuable information to help everyone from designers to business owners understand the value, importance, and impact your brand has on your business.” – Chad Franklin

This full-color book is available for purchase through PayPal below –  or at Amazon.com. Of course, on Amazon you won’t get Dan’s autograph!

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