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Top Flight email shown on laptop and tablet

Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to communicate directly with current and potential clients. If email marketing is something you’re considering, KickCharge Creative’s experts can help. We have a team dedicated to ensuring our clients take full advantage of what email marketing has to offer for businesses.

Buric email mockup shown on a desktop, laptop, and cellphone

Here’s how we can help.

Ignite Your Customers’ Inboxes

What leaves a lasting impression? If you answered an appealing design—you’re correct! The first step to a successful email marketing campaign is one that catches your customers’ attention—and keeps them intrigued (which we’ll get into later on). To start, you’ll need an email template that matches your brand. After all, your brand should be incorporated into every touch point of your marketing.

Our design and development team work together to create a custom email template that perfectly complements your brand. From the colors to the layout to the content, your customers will feel fully immersed in your brand from the moment they open the email.

Matheson email mockups shown on a laptop and tablet

Switch to Relevant, High-Quality Content

What happens when you have a beautiful, custom-designed email template, but sub-par messaging inside? If you answered a boring email—you’re correct! When you have all of the above components, but no relevant content, you are setting your campaign up for failure. Sure, you may get a handful of clients to engage at the start, but if your content doesn’t continue to capture their attention and encourage them to engage with your company, your efforts will fall flat.

It might sound simple, but creating a variety of content on a monthly (or quarterly) basis for your email can be a true challenge—especially when you’re busy juggling your day-to-day business operations. Our creative copywriters will craft content for each email campaign, so you never have to worry about it.

Cornerstone Pros email mockup shown on a desktop, laptop, and cellphone

Launch Your Email Efforts to New Heights

The final step is to launch your email and watch it succeed. While plenty of effort goes into creating the email, the time and energy spent launching the campaign is equally important.

Once your email is ready to launch, our email marketing team will take over and make sure your campaign gets delivered at the most optimal time for your audience. The email is then monitored and its performance is analyzed for future success.

Platforms That Give Us a Charge

You’re probably wondering what third-party platforms we recommend in order to run a KickCharged campaign. To spark true success for your company’s email marketing, our team works within the following applications:

We’ll Spark Email Marketing Success

Have a list of customer emails that have been sitting on the back burner? Maybe you’re unsure how to set up an email marketing campaign. Or, maybe you’re simply just overwhelmed by what it takes to start (and maintain) a campaign that’s right for your company. Either way, our team at KickCharge Creative can help.

To learn more about our email marketing capabilities or request a quote for your business, contact us today online or call 908.835.9000.

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