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Off the Hook header with logo and van wrap

Off the Hook

No Longer Just Another Fish in the Sea

It’s common for clients to feel nervous about rebranding, especially if they’re starting from scratch with a new name. This client was no exception! Originally SMP Heating & Air, owners Joe and Ashley thought they couldn’t rename because people already knew them. But after rolling out their new brand, they quickly learned this was not the case! Even though they felt comfortable and settled with their old name, Joe and Ashley took our advice and allowed us to help them build a brand new foundation. They knew they wanted to scale their business and leverage a brand that better reflected the quality of their work. But in order to get there, they had to step out of their comfort zone.

After choosing Off the Hook as their new name, Joe and Ashley were able to really lean into the new brand. We created their splashy new logo, along with a number of other deliverables: vehicle wraps, stationery, uniforms, home show items, and a 4-page brochure. And it paid off—literally! During a follow-up conversation, Joe told us that, “The day we got our first truck wrapped, I raised my prices 15%. And even in this market, we’re doing way better than we did last year.”

Not only did their sales improve after the rebrand, but their recruitment efforts did, too. While the company had previously struggled to recruit top talent, Off the Hook received more applications in the months after the rebrand than SMP did in the three years prior. Even better, their employees “reely” dig the new brand! When all was said and done, Joe knew that he had made the right decision: “If Dan tells you to change your name, change your name. There’s a reason for it.”

“People actually know us. They recognize us. They say they see our vehicles everywhere and I only have a few vehicles on the road.” — Joe Ieistico, Owner

Off the Hook van wrap
Off the Hook employee uniforms
Off the Hook stationery including letterhead, envelopes, and business cards
Off the Hook four page brochure
Off the Hook sticker
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