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Double-Check This List Before You Roll Out Your New Brand!

Creating a new brand is a major milestone. As a company that went through the rebranding process ourselves, we know how challenging it can be. But you’ll find the rewards to be well worth the challenge. That is, of course, if you roll out your new brand properly.

From your business cards to your service vehicles, your company’s name and logo live on countless platforms. Therefore, being able to just “flip the switch” on your new brand and change everything simultaneously is highly unrealistic. Instead, it’s best to roll out your new brand within a reasonable timeframe and manner. Otherwise, you run the risk of confusing your current and potential customers with multiple versions of your brand being used in the marketplace.

Introducing your new brand to the world effectively requires careful planning and implementation. This is where our team of branding experts has your back. With a prioritized brand implementation checklist (included below) and your budget as a guide, you can implement your new look in a manageable way, while still causing the positive disruption you want to achieve.

Use this checklist as a guide to consider how to tackle the conversion. If you recently rebranded, we highly recommend our Brand Launch Package, which will help inform your existing customers and prevent confusion as you transition from your old brand to your new one. Here’s more information on each element of the checklist, written in order from highest priority to lowest priority.


Loyal customers deserve to be the first to know about your new brand. The last thing you want is for the new look to cause confusion or negatively impact the relationships you’ve worked hard to build. Regardless of how you choose to announce your new brand, it’s crucial you explain the reason why your company rebranded and what the new brand represents for your team and your customers. Reiterate that, despite its new look, all of the good things about your company haven’t changed. Reassure your customers you’re still the company they’ve come to know and will continue to deliver the service they trust.

Our Brand Launch Package includes a launch letter that’s written and designed by our creative team. In the letter, we explain why you’ve rebranded and how it will make your customers’ service experiences even better. We also use it as an opportunity to remind customers that everything they’ve come to know and love about your company—from your friendly employees to your follow-ups and response times—will remain unchanged. Letters sent directly to existing customers are highly effective for announcing such important news in a way that feels friendlier and warmer than one social media post written for everyone.

In addition to the launch letter, you can announce the rebrand on your company blog and spread the word via email (don’t forget to update the logo in the email template, if you have one).

A news release is worth considering as well—particularly if your new corporate identity rollout is announced in conjunction with something newsworthy that’s of public interest, such as celebrating an anniversary, moving into a new office, sponsoring a community event or fundraiser, partnering with another business, expanding services or adding new positions.

Business Cards and Stationery

This is a no-brainer. If handing a business card to a lead is a common first interaction for your employees, it must be redesigned with the new brand immediately. Make it count. Get creative and think differently. Two-sided cards, rounded corners, unique paper stocks and spot UV printing are some ideas for making business cards beautiful.

It’s simple and relatively inexpensive to implement new branding on letterhead and business forms. Since this stationery is a regular, frequent part of customer interactions, put this item high on your brand implementation checklist.


Though it’s costly, it’s important for signage to match the new brand. Resist the urge to modify the logo’s proportions to fit the available space. Instead, modify the sign accordingly to accommodate the logo and use the space as effectively as possible. Remember, it’s less important to prominently display a website URL and phone number on signs when the customer is already on site. So, include a sign that’s professionally designed into your brand implementation plan and budget.


Company vehicles are literally moving billboards. Take advantage of this unique, yet cost-efficient way to reveal your brand to a large number of people. When designed properly, vehicle wraps are highly effective. Ensure the design stands out with the logo displayed clearly. As a result,  it won’t be easily forgotten.

Ideally, when your budget allows, you can make the biggest impact by rolling out rebranded vehicles all at once. This can be cost- and time-prohibitive for a company with a large fleet. Two ways to tackle updating vehicle wraps are to implement the new brand only on new vehicles or to strip off old lettering and replace it with a redesigned wrap.

At KickCharge, we’re so passionate about powerful vehicle wrap design for home service contractors that we would never consider a brand rollout plan without it. Check out our portfolio of head-turning trucks.


Since your employees are your brand ambassadors, putting the new brand on their uniforms should be a top priority in your brand implementation process. Ensure they are dressed neatly and professionally. Integrate the brand colors into the design and avoid adding details like the phone number and website address. Just the logo will do.


Replace the logo on your company website as soon as the new brand is introduced. Full brand integration should follow soon after, with a website redesign that implements colors, icons and typography that coordinate with the new logo. The new website should relay your brand promise, making the brand shine. Treat the website like the virtual front door most prospective customers enter the first time they interact with you.

Don’t make the mistake of simply swapping your old logo with your new one and calling that a website rebrand. A branded site fully incorporates the new identity from both a visual and messaging standpoint.

Social Media

Social media networks will be an obvious place to announce the change. Ensure the new logo is plugged into social media graphics when the brand launches. If you would like assistance with this, part of our Brand Launch Package includes updating your social media profiles. We’ll create the new graphics for your profiles and ensure they’re properly sized for each platform. We’ll also update your contact information and “about” info to ensure everything is in-line with the new brand. Now is the perfect time to start an account with your new brand if one doesn’t already exist—anywhere that is a relevant place for the company to communicate. Social channels include, but are not limited to:

Social media could be the place a potential customer decides to search your company name for the first time to get to know who you are, so it’s important it represents your brand accurately.

Print Collateral

Finally, print collateral, such as brochures and sell sheets, need to be updated with your new brand. In addition to the design, take this as an opportunity to review your print collateral’s copy and overall messaging. Does it reflect your brand promise and differentiators? If not, it’s time to refresh it.

Rebrand Implementation Checklist

If you’re working on a rebrand implementation plan for 2023, you should prioritize refreshing the following assets with your new look and brand voice:

  1. Announcement to existing customers (brand launch letter, blog post, email, news release, social media post, etc.)
  2. Business cards and stationery
  3. Signage
  4. Vehicles
  5. Uniforms
  6. Website
  7. Social media
  8. Print collateral

Still on the fence about taking the leap? Check out the eye-popping transformations for these small businesses.

Need help? The KickCharge Creative team is your rebranding ally. We’ve assisted thousands of businesses like yours with rebranding—and we’ve even done it ourselves, too. Let’s talk about your brand implementation rollout plan!

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