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Kim Jordan Kim Jordan

With more than 1 billion active users, Instagram shows no signs of slowing down.

Can you believe this social media platform is over a decade old? Since its beginning in 2010, Instagram rapidly gained users–and became a great place for businesses to advertise. Larger companies have established themselves by sharing posts that include everything from creative ads to behind-the-scenes photographs to product contests, and other industry-related imagery. But who says you have to be a large corporation to reap the benefits of this great network of new and existing customers?

The window of opportunity that has been opened for small businesses to compete with bigger competitors has never been wider. That means it’s crucial for companies like yours to have an online presence in a world that’s more technology-driven than ever before! 

Let’s go over some of the best practices that your small business can follow to jumpstart success on Instagram:

Getting Started

If Instagram is foreign territory for you—fear not! Simply begin by creating your business account. If your business is already on Instagram, but you haven’t created a business profile yet, it’s easy to make the switch! You simply have to go into your profile, click the upper right corner with the three lines, scroll down to “Account type and tools,” and hit “switch to professional account.” It’s that easy! But what do you do from there? 

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when creating or updating your business profile account:

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