hall of fame
Janice Laubach Janice Laubach

It’s mid-December and you’re in a better position than many of your competitors in the HVAC industry. That’s because there’s a pot of leftover money in your marketing budget.

What to do? What to do?

Well, here’s what you shouldn’t do: Hold on to it. While bankrolling extra resources might seem like the fiscally responsible thing to do, it actually could backfire in the long run. When you fail to spend your full HVAC marketing budget in one fiscal year, you run the risk of getting shortchanged the following year.

In other words, use it or you could lose it.

With a little thought and careful planning, it’s never too late in the year to spend those dollars wisely. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a large chunk of leftover cash or a relatively small amount. Little, inexpensive changes can yield major returns on your investment.

It Takes Money to Make Money

Unsure of your best strategy? Graphic D-Signs, which has carved out a niche as the premier HVAC marketing agency, can help you decide.

Here are  some suggestions for leveraging unused capital:

Get an early jump. Are you planning a major marketing initiative in 2017? Maybe it’s a rebranding campaign, a truck wrap or a brochure. Consider starting those initiatives now. You not only get a head start to  distinguish yourself from the competition, but you also free up marketing dollars next year for other game-changing projects.

It’s not just what you say, but how (and where) you say it. New content on the web or in print—when it’s lively, informative and noteworthy—can spark interest and attract new customers. Want to share tips about keeping an HVAC system in tip-top shape? Consider a blog or content marketing piece. Proud of earning special recognition from your customers or peers? A digital billboard or trade publication ad could do the trick. Expanding into another segment of the HVAC market? Share the news on your website or in an email blast to your loyal customers.

Clear away the cobwebs. Is your website generating the new business you had hoped for? Is it providing valuable information for customers? If not, it could be time to retool ineffective features of your site or overhaul it completely.

“Audit” isn’t always a dirty word. Conducting an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) audit of your website will help you develop the tools and tricks you need to draw customers to your website and, once there, encourage them to dig deeper into your web pages. An audit will teach you how to optimize on-page content and use keywords that generate traffic.

There’s no place like home. Review your homepage to find out where people are clicking and whether they’re scrolling down far enough to find the content you want them to see. Let the experts guide you on necessary changes.

Land, ho! Are your landing pages creating a big enough splash? If not, tweaking the copy for  your target audience should increase your conversion rates. Start with pages with conversion rates of less than 20 percent.

Socially acceptable. If you’re not using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to engage customers, now is a good time to roll out your campaign. You can start small. And if you already use social media, now is an opportune time to explore which messages got the most traction this year. Your most popular content can be reposted in the new year.

The GDS Edge

Graphic D-Signs is an award-winning small business marketing agency that helps HVAC companies unleash their true potential.. We understand your brand is your greatest asset and should be the driving force behind design and copywriting. Our designers, developers and content strategists make brand integration and user experience our top priorities. We also appreciate the value of digital marketing, from SEO and paid search to social media and email campaigns.

We welcome the opportunity to help you leverage your leftover marketing budget. Call Graphic D-Signs today at 800-836-4666 or contact us online to get started.

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