Most garage door companies haven’t figured out yet that powerful branding will help them stand out from the competition and dominate their markets. So, if you’re a garage door business owner who truly “gets it,” you’re in a unique position to capitalize on the situation and achieve success that may be far greater than you ever imagined.
Not convinced? Meet Tommy Mello, owner of A1 Garage Door Service. He’s someone who “got it” several years ago—long before most people in the garage door industry. Keenly aware that his growing company needed better branding to reach the next level, Mello reached out to Dan Antonelli at KickCharge Creative for a major rebranding of his business in 2019. Two years after the rebrand, A1 Garage Door Service’s revenue had climbed from $32 million to $73 million. Today, A1 Garage has locations in 11 different states—and Mello’s latest goal is to eventually reach $1 billion in annual revenue.
Great things are happening for Mello and A1 Garage—and great things can happen for you and your garage door business, too. At KickCharge, we understand the pain points of garage door companies and can put your business on the proven path to success.
Here are some other garage door companies we’ve KickCharged to branding success:
The answer is simple. While your company may provide great service, poor branding will hold you back because it sends the wrong message to customers and potential customers. Investing in your brand makes all of your marketing work better because it helps diffuse prejudices and counter biases. Everything is easier with a great brand, including retaining customers, gaining new business, recruiting great employees and even closing higher ticket sales.
First and foremost, you need a memorable name. Memorable names are disruptive. They don’t fit in. Instead, they stand out—for all of the right reasons. They deliver positive brand promises and a perceived value proposition. They use easy typography and help tell your story quickly and efficiently. They inspire confidence, security and longevity. With a memorable name, consumers in your area won’t be searching “garage door company near me.” Instead, they’ll be searching for your name.
The next step is an eye-catching logo. Think of it like this: Your logo is the hub that your brand is built around. It provides the driving force from which to build everything else and is the foundation to deliver a positive brand promise. Without a great name and an awesome logo, your return on investment (ROI) is compromised.
If your brand no longer accurately represents you, it’s time to rebrand. If your brand blends in with everyone else in your space, it’s time to rebrand. If your name, logo or brand colors aren’t ownable, it’s time to rebrand. If your brand does not showcase your amazing products and services, it’s time to rebrand.
As we mentioned earlier, most garage door companies have yet to fully grasp the importance of great branding. They either have poor brands or, sadly, no brand at all. This means they blend in and are easily forgotten—even if they provide great service. With a powerful brand, you will be remembered in your area. That means customers will think of you when they need your services.
Keep in mind, though: The longer you wait to do your branding right, the more expensive it will be. Here’s one reason why: If your tired brand is already firmly established, you’ll spend more money rebranding your fleet, website, uniforms, brochures and more.
So, what are you waiting for? KickCharge Creative has the talent, tools and technology to deliver the goods—an amazing brand that will open doors for you! Call us at 908.835.9000 or contact us through our website.