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Learn How to Promote Special Offers in Your Marketing to Generate New Business

How do you motivate customers to stop procrastinating and take action? Entice them with a good deal!

Think about it. Who doesn’t love to save money or get more for less—or, better yet, for free? Whether it’s to buy a product or schedule a service, your customers are more likely to convert (make a purchase or schedule an appointment) when they can take advantage of an offer—particularly one that’s going to be around only for a limited time.

No matter the original price tag, a discount accelerates sales volume and that’s why promoting specials is a smart marketing strategy. All you need to do is determine the special offer(s) you will honor and then, spread the word. Our small business marketing and web design agency in NJ can help craft your message and deliver it across various channels to maximize the number of eyeballs that see it. As customers cash in your coupon, you will enjoy greater cash flow as well as new relationships that promise future revenue, too.

Here’s the Deal on Money-Saving Coupons

Sweetening your already savvy service with a hot deal can help encourage new sales from former or long-term patrons, lure a consumer to break his or her routine of patronizing one of your competitors or be your foot in the door for a homeowner that’s new to the area and has yet to select his or her service provider.

Coupons come in many forms. They can:

When creating a coupon, keep in mind that discounting your price with a dollar amount is often more enticing than offering a percentage off. For big-ticket items, such as installing a ductless mini-split system or water purification system, consider offering a larger price break—but with a deadline for installation (e.g. $500 off if installed by Sept. 30). It could be just the motivation a wavering customer needs to pull the trigger on that home investment.

Financing Makes Your Service Financially Feasible

When homeowners need your service but can’t afford to pay the total bill all at once, financing can mean the difference between closing—or losing—the sale. If you offer options to make payments over time, make sure your customers know. Promote financing prominently by describing the length of time over which the cost can be extended and whether it’s interest-free.

Spread the Word

Once you’ve chosen your coupons and financing terms, it’s time to get them in front of your customers. Promoting your special offer across multiple platforms in a coordinated campaign will reinforce your message and grow your reach. The following is not an exhaustive list, but it provides comprehensive coverage so your special offers are sure to be seen:

Trust Our Experts to Craft Your Message

Once you’ve determined the offers you want to extend and the avenues by which you want to promote them, you also need catchy wording and professional design for your website and collateral to lure in that new business.

The team of marketing experts at KickCharge Creative, including copywriters, designers and web developers, can ensure your strategy is well executed and effective. We will help you communicate your message and your brand professionally and consistently across all media. At our agency in NJ, web design, digital marketing and print collateral are where we shine. To get started on your promotions project, call us today at 908.835.9000 or contact us online.

Absolute Airflow Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing- Kickcharge
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