hall of fame

Michael Neilson

Video Content Specialist

Mike is a proud father and husband and loves his home. A man of many passions, Mike spends most of his time with family, creating music and/or videos, golfing, exercising, maintaining his home or playing video games. Most of Mike’s professional life thus far has been a journey off the beaten path. Freelance work and gigs have treated Mike well, with a few steady employment jobs sprinkled in along the way. Mike is very excited to finally have a place of work to call home in KickCharge and to help build something special here.

Mike has a lot of friends that he spends time with as often as he can. Poker night (and the hilarious discussion topics at them) is a once-a-month ritual that he covets. Also finding time to play 18 with the boys is necessary for Mike’s sanity. Mike also loves taking his dog and daughter for walks around the neighborhood on a nice day. Mike secretly doesn’t like holidays or vacations—not because he is obsessed with work or is a scrooge, but because he enjoys his daily life very much. Holidays and vacations just feel like unnecessary hassles.

Mike is a die-hard Eagles fan (Go Birds) and loves fantasy football. He also enjoys putting on a podcast and making a big dinner, filling the fridge with yummy leftovers. He does most of the cooking at home and loves the feeling when his wife enjoys a meal he made.


The streets. Only kidding … Mike never went to college and barely squeaked by in high school. School just wasn’t for Mike.

When Not at Work

Mike has a lot of hobbies and they come and go. Currently, Mike loves to golf, go to the gym, hang out with his family/friends, play video games and make music.

Greatest Passion

Mike’s greatest passion is variety. He has had many different interests throughout his life and finds great joy in becoming proficient at them, then trying something new.

Words to Live By

Know the difference between improvement and change.

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